Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pony Farm Summer Camp - Welcome Letter

Dearest Camp Moms and Dads,

            Welcome to our 41st summer of Pony Farm!!!!  We are thrilled you have left your treasure(s) with us…two and four footed. Thank you for choosing Pony Farm. I hope you are reading this letter as you drive away, leaving your daughter(s) in our charge.  I know that it is so hard in this day and age to trust people outside of our own immediate family circle, but I want to sincerely reassure you that we will take good care of your children.  We are so committed to doing a super job for each and every camper.  We have worked extremely hard to get everything ‘just so’ for her arrival and stay.  We just wanted to reiterate to you how seriously we take our job of providing “safe FUN”!!!
Right now, your daughter is meeting many the staff members.  The rest of the team will be here bright and early tomorrow morning. We have a truly wonderful staff. I can tell you without reservation that we have terrific staff, all of whom have received lots of training specific to how Pony Farm operates.  The whole staff has really come together as a team with each person having the right skills and commitment for his or her job.  It is a pleasure to lead such a team of fine people, young and old!
           We will begin the orientation to camp, starting with the all important motto of “Taking good care of each other, our horses and the land”.  Not only will they learn how to do this, but we will take them through the steps of barn safety, horse care, mail call, medicines, meal times and house capers.  We have carefully designed each part of their day so that it is like a big, well run family with all sorts of caring adults that guide them through each activity from dawn to dusk!!!  The fun and joy of being together has begun!
            Tonight, we will have dinner and then begin with some getting to know you games, first by rooms and then by the whole group.  Part of this is an “All Farm Scavenger Hunt” so everyone gets to know her way around the farm.  Following some of this orientation, we will do some singing to make everyone feel comfy and cozy!  The Counselors-in-Training have prepared Vespers for tonight to help set the tone of respect, care and consideration.  Vespers will then be done with each room taking their turn.  Vespers is a peaceful ending to the day which lets the kids slow down and prepare to go off to bed.  This is a circle of thanks and reflection on everything from horses, being together, and loving our family and friends.  Sometimes the staff or children write poems while other times they bring special books like “Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover’s Soul” and read passages.  It is so beautiful with all their sweet smiling faces bathed in candlelight with our Vesper Log lighting the main room of the lodge.
          We then sing special camp songs and each room tiptoes off to bed.  They get changed and brush their teeth, and then their Room Counselors come tuck them in bed.  For the littler kids, they read or tell them a bedtime story.  It is a peaceful ending to a day filled with activity!  Tomorrow morning they will wake up and catch their pony for morning feed.  Following that, they will begin their riding and get sorted into just the right group and onto just the right mount.  We take huge care to do this correctly.
 It is really easy to stay in contact with your daughter or camp staff.  Emails are the best way to be in touch with people at camp, whether it be your daughter or staff. You can e-mail your daughter  Emails are checked, printed and delivered to your daughter daily. We are truly not by the phone because we are out with your kiddo….so do email. The staff and I have committed to checking e-mail before 11AM each day….I will check once more before the evening is out.
Contact Information
E-Mail Addresses
E-Mail your daughter:
Boo’s e-mail address:                                          
Becky’s email address:
Denise’s email for horse related questions:

Please check out the Farm Blog.  It is updated frequently while your daughter is at camp.  Please go to, of the left-hand side click “Farm Blog”.

Phone Policy
The office phone, 603-654-6308, is answered every M, T, TH, from 8:30 – 2:30. On Wednesday, Fridays and after 2:30, it is answered as someone is available, and the answering machine is checked regularly. 

Emergency Phone Information
If there is an emergency at night, you can call our Emergency Phone # which is always carried by one of the  Becky or a Senior Staff members.  It is 603-769-1853. This is reserved for truly emergency use only. I will also give you my personal cell phone which is 603-321-5255.  Please keep in mind these are to be used only in a dire situation or one in which you have true concerns about your child.

            Mostly however, we are pleased to have your child with us.  Thank you for your confidence in us. We will do everything we can to make her stay fabulous.  Rest assured that we will call if there is even one little question!  Together, we will make this a fantastic time for her, creating memories she can take with her the rest of her life!!!!
Most sincerely,

Isabella (Boo) Martin, M.Ed
Founder and Exec. Director of Pony Farm
CHA & PATH, Intl. Master Instructor
Certified Driving Instructor
ARIA Instructor of the Year-1997
NH Horse Person of the Year-2003
NARHA Life Time Achievement
Award Winner - 2009

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