Do you have someone you care about or love but want to get them something that's "more," not just a plain ol' gift? Here's the gift that keeps on giving: the "Open When..." letters. The idea is simple: you create a series of envelopes that tell a person when to open said letter. When they open it, the goal is to have them feel better. They can open letters when they feel sad or happy or guilty. The possibilities are endless but it's the sentimentality that really makes this special. Want to start making these? Follow the instructions below and make someone you love a little bit happier. 

What you'll need:
  • envelopes, decorative or plain (you can choose to decorate them yourself)
  • stickers OR stickers + printed labels OR markers OR all three
  • paper
  • (optional) sentimental objects
  1. If you're using a decorative envelope, you're already halfway there. You just need to to either use stickers and/or printed labels to put "Open When..." and write the moment it should be opened. You do not have to use decorative envelopes. You can simply use a marker and write everything on there.
  2. Write a letter (if you want) and insert into the envelope. You can also include sentimental objects (e.g., picture of you and your significant other's  first date), quotes, etc.
  3. Seal and give to the person. Make their lives a little happier!
Need some ideas for when to have the person open it? 
  • You're done with your first day
  • You're having a bad day
  • Just for fun
  • You need a lift
  • You miss me
  • You're angry
  • You're bored
  • You need my love
  • You're happy
  • You're almost done with the program
Need ideas of what to put in?
The Best Sentimental Gift: