Friday, July 1, 2011

Horse Show Info!

Hi Moms and Dads,
I just sent e-mails to you about the estimated start time of your camper.  If you did not get an e-mail or have questions please e-mail me
Please note there is a change...the O.C is not dry enough for the show.  We received a lot of rain at the end of last week. We were hoping it would dry out in time for the show, but then received more rain Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning; making the OC too wet to show on.  The Derby will still take place in the field off of the O.C though.  The horse show will take place in the rings like they have in the past several years.  You can park at the lodge like you did for opening day and walk down to the barn and rings.  The start time of the show is 9:00 am.
Camp will supply lunch for campers.  There will be a concession stand if mom, dad, brothers or sisters get hungry.
Wish us luck tomorrow!

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